Art With Love, Art With Beauty, Art With Power

Dorothea Sandra, BA, EDAC, an Evidence-Based Design Artist

Day 14 of 100 Days of Happy Art

Abstract Art, Abstract Expressionism, Art Collecting, Art For Sale, Experimental Art, Happy Modern Art, International Art, New Popular Artist, Today's Abstract ArtDorothea Sandra, BA, EDACComment

Why do so many people associate POWER only with misery?

Isn’t it what people do with power that assigns it something positive or something negative? I once knew someone who suddenly got a lot of power. The first thing that person did was to exact vengeance. I have also known many other people with power. As I got to know them, I watched as they used their power to offer their love, respect, and help to the world. Their power created (and still does) great happiness and joy.

For me, I am not afraid of power and I love to use it in my art. In the right hands, I know power is beautiful. Here’s a business video I created featuring an abstract painting called Movements With Power. (My apologies in advance for the business plugs:)

Beautiful Abstract Art Celebrating Power And Happy Smiles!